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 Nouvelles chansons.

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Messages : 383
Points : 477
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : Paris, 16ème arrondissement.

Nouvelles chansons. Empty
MessageSujet: Nouvelles chansons.   Nouvelles chansons. Icon_minitimeLun 13 Avr - 16:34

_Désolée Monsieur, mais Kima, notre pianiste a quitté le groupe.
_Tant pis ! Vous avez des nouvelles chansons pour moi ?
_Je vous ecoute.
_Voici la premiere, "Dream"
Tout le monde s'installa et la chanson pu commencer.

This morning I wake up, you are oddly not here, I understand there is only me who see you, than me.

I would have liked to have you for me alone, have you forever, you were a dream, like me.

I await my time with envy, the day I would have you, all life, kiss me, shakes me in your arms as you did before!

I moved, you're out of my thoughts, hoping that you stay, I imagined you already true. I'm just not the idea that you were dead and you never come back!

I await my time with envy, the day I would have you, all life, kiss me, shakes me in your arms as you did before!

I would have liked to have you for me but you're much too fast is it-you know what that makes me?

I await my time with envy, the day I would have you, all life, kiss me, shakes me in your arms as you did before!
I await my time with envy, the day I would have you, all life, kiss me, shakes me in your arms as you did before!

_Et voici la deuxieme: You're part

This morning, I come home I do not see you, let me die, I will not survive without you.
I love you so much, you just preferred to start as there has never berate, but you are left for that.

I would like to see you in the morning, you have preferred to leave, I feel alone, I have not had a chance, how you been? You were my sister, my best friend, my sister sang.

You know, I expect, I expect, but I do not see you, I begin to believe that our friendship has never existed, that you never existed, .

I would like to see you in the morning, you have preferred to leave, I feel alone, I have not had a chance, how you been? You were my sister, my best friend, my sister sang.

Forced to be alone, alone, alone, I love, come back, if it pleases you.

I would like to see you in the morning, you have preferred to leave, I feel alone, I have not had a chance, how you been? You were my sister, my best friend, my sister sang.
I would like to see you in the morning, you have preferred to leave, I feel alone, I have not had a chance, how you been? You were my sister, my best friend, my sister sang.

You decide soon ...
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